More appointments and reservations on your website with this free app

Have you ever gotten caught up in endless emailing back and forth to find a suitable appointment time? Well, I have good news for you! In this blog, you will discover how Calendly, a fantastic free tool, can help you solve this problem.

What is Calendly?

Calendly is an online appointment system that simplifies the appointment setting process. It provides a clear overview of your availability and lets clients book an appointment themselves at a time that suits both parties. This not only saves time, but also creates a professional appearance to your customers.

The Free Version of Calendly – What Are You Getting?

The free version of Calendly is perfect for startups or small businesses. Here are some features:

  1. Easy Integration: You can link Calendly to your digital calendar (such as Google Calendar, Outlook, etc.), so you never overbook, or double-book.
  2. Personal Availability: Set your availability the way you want it. You decide when you are open to appointments.
  3. Automatic Confirmations and Reminders: Once someone makes an appointment, both you and the customer will automatically receive a confirmation. Reminders are also sent, which reduces no-shows.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Calendly’s interface is intuitive and easy to use, even for the most technically challenged business owners.
  5. Personalized Customizations: Add a personal touch to your booking page with your logo and company colors.

How to Set Up Calendly.

Setting up Calendly is a piece of cake:

  1. Create an account at
  2. Link your digital calendar, which can be Google Calendar or your Outlook calendar.
  3. Set your availability through a few simple steps such as: on which days clients may book appointments, how long those appointments are, and how much time to keep free between appointments.
  4. Share your personal Calendly link via email, on your website, or on social media.

Benefits of Calendly for Startup Entrepreneurs

As a starter, it is important to be efficient. Calendly helps you do that by:

  • Time to Save: No more endless emailing.
  • Exude Professionalism: Offer customers an easy way to connect with you.
  • Focus on Growth: Less time spent on administration means more time for your business.

Calendly’s free version is a great tool for any start-up entrepreneur. It brings together efficiency, professionalism and ease of use in one package. Try it out for yourself and see how it can transform your business operations!

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