Customize your website


From a tedious task to a user-friendly process

In the past, customizing a website was often a long and complicated process. If you had no knowledge of code, you always had to rely on a developer to make the slightest changes. Fortunately, this is now a thing of the past, thanks toIncrediweb ‘s user-friendly websites that you can customize yourself using our “Visual Builder”. If you wish, of course, our team is always ready to modify the content of your website for you.

The transition toIncrediweb’s Visual Builder

This classic way of working was far from ideal. Every time you wanted to change something on your website, you had to contact your developer and wait for him to make the change. So a small textual modification, such as changing the opening hours for a public holiday, for example, could cause you problems. It could be simpler, couldn’t it? Thanks toIncrediweb’s Visual Builder, it’s now much easier to customize your website yourself, without needing any knowledge of code. But how exactly does Incrediweb work, and what makes it so special?


Incrediweb’s easy-to-use visual designer

Incrediweb is a Belgian web development agency that uses a Visual Builder to customize your website. This gives you total control over your website, and you can always count on personal assistance from the Incrediweb team when you need it. Visual Builder is designed to be easy to use. You can drag and drop blocks, add new modules and modify the content of your website in just a few clicks. To give you an idea of just how simple it is, we’ve put together a short video showing you how to move your website’s component parts around, add new modules and much more.

The importance of a good website tool

In today’s digital world, an online presence is crucial for any business, large or small. Choosing the right tool is an important decision that can have an impact on how well your website is supported.
The difference between an Incrediweb site and a Wix site, for example, lies mainly in the support you receive. With a website creation tool like Wix, you have to create your entire website yourself. At Incrediweb, we do the work for you, so you don’t have to start from scratch. Secondly, you retain full control of your website, and can always count on the support of our development team. This is also a big difference from Wix. You’re not alone in managing your website.


Local expertise and easy website customization with Incrediweb

What’s more, Incrediweb is a Belgian company, so you can count on the support of a team that speaks your language and understands your local market. Customizing your website has never been easier than withIncrediweb’s Visual Builder. You don’t need any coding skills, and you can count on the personal support of a professional Belgian team. What are you waiting for? Take control of your website and customize it more easily than ever with Incrediweb.